tractors and trailers in parking lot

Where is the Freight Market Outlook Headed in the Next Year?

The freight market, a vital cog in the global supply chain, has been undergoing a period of significant flux. In recent years, we have witnessed a rollercoaster ride of market conditions, from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic to ongoing economic uncertainties. As we look ahead, understanding the current state of the freight market and its projected trajectory is paramount for businesses, shippers, and carriers alike. Today, Shaker Logistics Pricing Specialist, Jacob Brenner delves into the key factors shaping the industry, exploring both challenges and new opportunities on the horizon.

Understanding the Forces at Play

Like any other market, the freight market is driven by the interplay of supply and demand. In this case, demand is represented by the volume of freight that needs to be transported, while supply is the capacity available to move it. The balance between these two forces determines the overall health of the market.

However, recent years have witnessed a significant shift in this equilibrium, including the dramatic upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic. As consumer spending on goods skyrocketed due to government stimulus, the industry struggled to keep up, leading to soaring freight rates. Attracted by these lucrative conditions, numerous new carriers entered the market. However, as demand subsided, an oversupply of capacity emerged, driving freight rates down significantly over the past 18 months.

Looking ahead, there is growing anticipation that the rate at which capacity exits the market will accelerate. This trend could help to bring supply and demand into a more balanced state, potentially shifting the market back towards a more favorable environment for carriers. Industry experts predict that this shift could occur within the next 6-12 months, providing some relief to carriers that have been struggling with low rates.

Key Indicators of Freight Market Health

Several macroeconomic factors will continue to shape the freight market in the coming months:

  • Consumer Spending and Debt Levels: Consumers are facing increasing financial pressure due to rising interest rates on larger purchases. While this may not significantly impact overall freight demand, it could lead consumers to opt for more affordable product options.
  • Inventory Management Strategies: Businesses are closely examining their inventory levels and supply chain strategies in response to changing market conditions. Many are shifting operations from overseas to North America, particularly Mexico, to reduce reliance on long-distance transportation. This transition period could lead to a surge in domestic freight demand as companies adjust their inventory and supply chains.
  • Capacity Exiting the Market: Smaller carriers are facing financial challenges due to rising costs and the repayment of EIDL loans. These pressures are expected to accelerate the rate at which carrier capacity exits the market. This reduction in capacity can help to rebalance supply and demand, potentially leading to a shift in market conditions.
  • International Trade: Global trade dynamics, including tariffs and geopolitical factors, will affect the flow of goods and the demand for freight transportation.

By tracking these key metrics, freight companies can gain valuable insights into the current state of the market and anticipate future trends. This information can help businesses make informed decisions about their operations, pricing strategies, and capacity planning.

Navigating the Complexities of the Freight Industry

The freight industry, while essential to global commerce, is a complex landscape fraught with challenges. As a player operating in this space, it’s crucial to maintain a proactive approach to ensure long-term success.

  • Understanding your stakeholders: One of the most critical aspects of navigating the freight industry is having a deep understanding of your stakeholders. It’s essential to keep up-to-date with the industries you operate within and their strategic goals, nurture strong relationships for mutual benefit, and anticipate needs to adapt your services accordingly
  • The Importance of Proactive Management: The freight industry is dynamic and unpredictable. To thrive in this environment, it’s essential to adopt a proactive approach. This includes staying informed about industry trends and anticipating potential challenges, being flexible and willing to adjust your strategies as needed, and seeking continuous improvement for your services and processes.
  • Balancing the Scales: In the case of brokers, you act as a mediator between shippers and carriers. This role can be challenging, especially during market fluctuations. It’s important to ensure that both shippers and carriers are treated fairly and have their needs met, proactively address potential financial burdens to avoid losing customers or carriers and build strong relationships that extend beyond transactional interactions.

Emerging Opportunities: The Rise of Nearshoring

With the global shift towards nearshoring, logistics companies have a prime opportunity to expand their services in Mexico and Texas. Focus on border cities like Laredo, Texas, where cross-border trade is booming, and capitalize on the growing demand for logistics in the automotive sector. Additionally, expand operations in key Texas markets like Houston, a major hub for manufacturing and trade.

By focusing on these areas, you can position your company to capitalize on the growing demand for nearshoring services in the Central South.

Freight Market Outlook for 2025

As we approach the end of 2024, there’s a growing optimism within the full truckload domestic market. Industry experts are anticipating a significant improvement in freight market conditions over the next six to twelve months.

Several factors are contributing to this positive outlook including, a notable decline in the number of trucks operating in the market, the incoming holiday season uptick, higher freight volumes as businesses seek to clear inventory and meet increased consumer demand, and a surge in freight as campaigns and related activities generate additional transportation needs during this year’s election season.

While the exact timing of the market improvement remains uncertain, industry analysts are confident that it is on the horizon. The combination of decreasing capacity and increasing freight volume is creating a favorable environment for the freight market.

How Freight Companies Can Succeed in the Next 12 Months

Success hinges on more than just transactional relationships – as the market continues to evolve, freight companies must adopt a strategic approach that prioritizes customer relationships and leverages market insights.

  • Building Strong Relationships: Prioritize customer relationships, maintain regular communication, and offer tailored solutions.
  • Leveraging Market Insights: Stay informed about industry trends, anticipate challenges, and develop proactive strategies.
  • Providing Value-Added Services: Utilize technology, offer customized solutions, and proactively address customer needs.

By combining these elements, freight companies can position themselves for long-term success in 2025 and beyond.

Full Speed Ahead

Don’t get left in the rearview mirror. Our team of experts has the experience and insights you need to stay ahead. Contact us today to get started.


Jacob Brenner
Shaker Logistics, Pricing Specialist